Monday, November 21

RAMP TRIP 2011 -Fan the Flame

Fan the Flame

I sit here on a Monday morning just arriving home from The Ramp Gathering last evening. As I sit here today, I’m overwhelmed with the Presence of God that I experienced over the weekend. We had the great privilege of being part of The Ramp Ascend which was 30 hours of continuous worship to Jesus. Roughly 700 students and adults began at 6pm on Friday and worshipped until 12 am Sunday. Throughout these 30 hours of worship we experienced intense times of praise and dance before God to quiet peaceful moments of intimate worship with Him. I have come home from The Ramp refreshed. It’s amazing how you can spend all of your heart and focus on exalting Jesus and yet He still comes back to give you a touch in your own heart.
While we were at The Ramp, I saw many of our students experience God in a mighty way. We had students that are on fire for Jesus continue to pursue Him. We also brought students that have been cold and distant from God. I watched many of these students experience the love of God and watched many tears stream down faces of cold hearts that were being fired up once again. Watching this has inspired me to write this blog this morning. Here is a few ways to fan the fire in your hearts and stay passionate for Jesus.
     1.       We Must Stay in the Word of God
The word of God is life. It’s our food for the Spirit-Man. If we don’t eat of the Word of God we will starve and die. I encourage you to at least read a couple of scriptures a day and meditate upon them throughout the day and evening. Leaders are readers!
2.       We Must Spend Time with Jesus

We have to set out time every day to spend with God. Sometimes it will be a time to praise Him, other times quiet worship, or maybe just sitting and listening for His heartbeat. Spending time with God will keep the fire burning in our hearts. I enjoy putting on my headphones and listening to worship while I just talk with God. Find you a secret place and create a history with Jesus.

3.       We Must Get Involved

We must stay active in the work and ministry of Jesus Christ. We must be faithful to His Church, get involved in the praise and worship, and be ready to receive His word through teaching and preaching. We must come to His House prepared and ready to seek His face. Sitting back and being a casual worshipper will cause the fire to be quenched. Move to the front, enter in, and run after God with all of your heart and you will find Him.

4.       We Must Rise Above the Mockers

There will always be those around you that don’t have passion for Jesus. There are students that attend churches only because their parents make them. If not careful, we can allow their negative influence effect our worship, attitude, and walk with God. We must rise above the mockers and stand for Christ. You will either cluck with chickens or soar with eagles. It’s important that you surround yourself with “eagles”. People that are hungry for God and want to live out the purpose He has for them.

5.       We Must Share Our Stories with Others

First, there are students in our youth groups that are looking for youth leadership. It’s one level to have a Youth Pastor and Youth Team leading but it’s another level when students become leaders. In other words, students that are on fire for God that will lead by example and begin to reach and pour into others. Secondly, our schools are full of students lost without Christ. It’s time for those that have the fire of God to set a blaze in the hearts of the lost.
Don’t let the fire dwindle down or burn out. Fan the fire each and every day that it may be a light to those in darkness and that it will quench the chaff of our hearts. I pray that your fire will burn out of control and that it will spread to others.
THE RAMP 11-18-11

Friday, November 11

The Holy Spirit Series Part 1 - The Person

The Holy Spirit Series
We just launched a brand new series in our Teen Life Group about the Holy Spirit. Here are some truths that we are sharing:

Scripture: Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
THESIS STATEMENT: The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, has Transforming Power, and has a Great Purpose for every disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • He has been present from the beginning until now
    • Genesis 1:26 - Let US make man in OUR image
    • Matthew 3:16 -He appears like a dove at Jesus' Baptism
    • Acts 2 - He shows up in a mighty rushing wind and fills 120 in the Upper Room

  • He is a Divine Person of the Godhead
    • Without going into deep theological debate, He is God!
    • Although referred to as the Holy Ghost; He is not spooky image or thought
    • He is not an "It". For He is a "He"
    • He can be grieved, quenched, and then compelled and felt

  • He has come to Empower Disciples of Christ
    • Acts 1:8- Jesus words, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..."
    • His power is transforming and life changing to those that recieve His baptism
    • His power is "Dunamis" which means=
      • supernatural power of spirit, wisdom, revelation, etc.
    • His power is an Enhancement to a believer's spirit man
Closing Thoughts:
The Holy Spirit is powerful. When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, He spoke of One coming that would empower believers. I imagine on His way up to Heaven, Jesus gave the Holy Spirit a high-five and tagged Him into the next season of believer's lives. He has come and longs to fill and reside within every believer of Jesus Christ. Recognize that He (Holy Spirit) is with you today leading, guiding, comforting, and empowering.

Friday, August 12



Key People that Push
You to Your Destiny
As I mentioned in the previous blog (The Process to the Palace) there is a process that must take place to push you to your “throne” called Destiny. Your Royal Status must be revealed to you, you must break the Pauper Mindset, and you must Position yourself so that God can push you forward. We took these three principles from the life of David to show how God propelled him to his throne of purpose. These three things must take place in your life to fulfill your calling and purpose God has for you.
There are key people that will come into your life that will help push you to your purpose and destiny as well. King David had several people in his life that imparted, challenged, and help develop the “king” inside of him. Not every person was David’s fan or friend but yet God used them to help shape him into a man after His own heart.
Here are the four key people in David’s life that push him towards the palace:
1.      Samuel – Samuel was the Prophet that pointed out David’s kingly identity. Every individual needs a Samuel in their life. Samuels are role models, heroes of the faith, and mighty men/women of God that have stood through the test of time. We must recognize the Samuel in our life and stay close to them and heed to their wisdom.

2.      Saul – Saul was David’s critic. Saul was very rough and tough on David. Although David didn’t like him (I imagine it to be hard to like someone who throws spears at you), he caused David to behave himself wisely (1 Samuel 18:14). Don’t hate your critics but allow them to make you better. Your hater may be your escalator.

3.      Jonathan – Jonathan was David’s covenant brother and I believe his greatest mentor. Jonathan recognized the “king” inside of David. I imagine Jonathan showing David how to act, speak, and dress inside of the palace walls and taught him royal protocol. Your Jonathan is somebody that is a Father, Mentor, or Coach that stands in the place that you are called to be one day. Allow them to show you how to live in royal ways.

4.      Goliath – Goliath was the enemy of David’s generation. Everyone was terrified of this warrior. David met him head-on and took him down. You and I will always have a “Goliath” that stands between our dream and destiny. Don’t run from him but face him. Your giant is actually a sign that God is about to promote you. When David killed the giant he stood upon him (1 Samuel 17:51) and took his head. God is actually setting your giant up to become your platform. When David killed the giant everything changed. Promotion and favor came to him.
I encourage you to recognize the key people in your life that will push you to your destiny. Walk humbly, gentle, and keep your eyes upon Jesus. One day you will sit on a throne called Destiny in a palace called Purpose!

Thursday, July 21


The Process to the Palace
I love the story of King David and especially the details of his call to be king. David was a young man who didn’t recognize the king that was inside of him. But yet God knew the whole time. God spoke to the Prophet Samuel and said, “Anoint him that I’ve named.” In other words, God knew David would be a king one day even when David was oblivious to the idea or the mere thought of it. I want you to realize today that you are a Prince/Princess of God! There is greatness, purpose, and destiny written all over your life .God knows you by name and is calling you to the Palace called Purpose!
Imagine David doing the “norm” on the day he was called to be king. He is out in the field shepherding his flock of sheep when he hears a call to the house. He runs to the from porch, walks through the front door, and the great Prophet Samuel pours the horn of oil over his head and declares him to be King. First, I imagine David being completely shocked at what he just experienced. Secondly, I imagine him thinking; how will I ever get from this field to the palace? And then the process began. See David didn’t immediately move to the palace. It was process that propelled him to the throne.
Process is defined as a series of events that bring forth your greatest potential. I want to say that God has a throne called destiny and a palace called purpose waiting for you. But it will take PROCESS to get you there! It will take a series of events to push you to that place called Destiny.
Here are a few steps in the process that pushed David to the Palace:
1.       The Revelation of Royal Status – God revealed to David his true identity. He was a king and destined for greatness. God had to reveal that beyond the “normalcy” was a king kicking and trembling to get out.
2.       The Breaking of a Pauper Mindset – A pauper is defined as a poor person (not just financially but socially and mentally). David had to believe who he really was. The thought of a pauper becoming a king can literally cause the earth to tremble (Proverbs 30:21-22).
3.       The Positioning to Be Pushed to the Palace – David positioned himself in the right places so that God could push him to the palace. He positioned himself as a worshipper, servant (taking cheese to his brothers) good stewardship over his flock, and responding to the call to the house. All of this was David positioning himself so that God could push him to the palace.
I want to encourage you that God has a place called purpose and a throne called destiny for you. But it will take process to get there. I encourage you to stay in process and allow God to push you to that place. Recognize your royal status, break the pauper mentality, and position yourself so that God can push you!


Realizing Who You Truly Are
Did you know that you are Royalty? Did you know that you literally have “royal” blood flowing through your veins? You are a royal person today not because of your works or because of your deeds. You are a royal person because your Father is royalty! Your father in heaven is the ultimate King of the Universe and you are His son/daughter. Therefore you are born into this world as a royal subject with purpose and destined for greatness!
There are many people today that struggle with identity. They struggle because there earthly father/mother may have abandoned them or abused them. Many people live in depression and at a lower level of living because of the decisions and lifestyle of their earthly parents. Many still blame their parents for where they are today. I want to say something so powerful that it can set your mind free; YOU CAME THROUGH YOUR PARENTS NOT FROM THEM!
You actually came from God! He birthed you into this world and you belong to Him. Your parents were just the door to get you into the earth to fulfill the incredible mission and purpose He has for you. Therefore, you are a genuine royal person because your Daddy in Heaven is the King! Look what the Bible says about your royal status:
·         1 Peter 2:9 –“…you are a Royal Priesthood…”
·         Romans 8:17- “…you are joint-heirs with Christ…”
·         Romans 5:17 – “…you shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ.”
These are just a few scriptures of many that reveal your royal status and God’s Word is ultimate truth.
So here are my final thoughts:
·         When you realize WHO and WHOSE you are, everything changes!
·         Once you realize who you are, life can be lived at a greater level!
·         Struggle no more with identity but recognize the Father’s fingerprints all over your life!
·         Royal people have a greater standard by which they live their lives; go up a level!
·         You truly are Royalty; not because I have said so but because you belong to the King!

Saturday, April 16


Philippians 1:6, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ:”
I love going to Daytona Beach, Florida for vacation. My parents would take my sister and I to Daytona every summer for years. Now that I have a family of my own, Daytona Beach and Orlando has become one of our favorite places to get some R&R and see Mickey Mouse!
I always hated the drive in between Indianapolis and Daytona Beach when I was a kid. I just wanted to get there but my parents never flew. We would drive 18 hours straight through. Now I drive my family to Florida and make my kids go throught the torment I experienced as a youngster. But now I actually enjoy it. I have come to a place where I appreciate the experiences as we drive down the interstate. We have some memorable moments driving this long stretch of highway that we often talk and laught about.
Spiritually, God has been dealing with me about the “in between season" of our spiritual journey. I have a many dreams to accomplish for the Kingdom of God as many of you do. I have come to a place where I’m enjoying the journey and not so consumed with the end result. As my Pastor says, “ministry is not a ladder you climb, but a journey you walk.” I am enjoying the journey and I’m actually greatful for the pain and struggle of the “in between.” It is our struggle that makes us who we really are.
Let me explain. I believe that there is always pain and struggle in between your dream and your destiny. Every great man or woman of God has faced some sort of pain or tribulation as they’ve pursued their destiny.
·        Jacob had ugliness (Leah) in between his promise and his princess (Rebekah).
·        David had a Goliath in between his field and his throne
·        Joseph had a pit in between his dream and destiny
·        Daniel had a den of lions in between his gift and his greatest revelations
·        Gideon had a poor mindset to conqueor in between his call and his courage to lead
·        Jesus had a cross in between the creation of His people and the ransoming of His people
All of these great men had to press through their “in between season”. Your pain will either propel you to a platform or paralyze you where you are.
Don’t give up in between your dream God birthed in your spirit and fulfillment of your destiny!

Monday, April 11

My Charges Blotted Out

Colossians 2: 13-14, 13And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;  14Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

I love this scripture with all of my heart. I hold to it close and declare it when the enemy tries to remind me of my past or condemn me when I feel like I don’t measure up to God’s standards. Let’s break it down.
First, Paul says that we were dead in our sins but Jesus has quickened us together with Him. The word quickened means to “make one with”. In other words we were caught red handed in sin but Christ came and made us “one” with Him. We now stand in Him and He is perfect and blameless which makes us blameless. How incredible is this? You and Jesus are One!
Secondly, He says that He has forgiven ALL my trespasses. The word trespass is the Greek word paraptōma which means a lapse or deviation of truth and uprightness or to sin and perform a misdeed. Jesus has forgiven us of ALL our lapses, deviations of walking in truth, and our misdeeds. His word declares that He has cast our sins as far as the east is from the west.
Thirdly, He has blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that were against us and nailed them to the cross. Blotting out hear means to obliterate, plaster or wash away, wipe clear, erase, and to do away with. This is the greatest news in the world. No wonder they call it the “good news”! Not only did Jesus blot out all my sin but He nailed them to the cross that He died on. Our sins have been annihilated. This news should bring comfort and joy to your soul today.
I imagine it this way: I’m in a court room and the prosecutor (the devil) brings all these accusations against me. He stands and names sin after sin, trespass after trespass that I have committed. I begin to hang my head because the truth is that I actually committed these sins that the enemy is sharing to the Judge. After his accusations, it is so obvious that I’m guilty. I am dead in my sin, caught red handed and these ordinances are a book full.
Then I raise my head and say, “Judge it is true. I’m guilty of every handwritten ordinance brought against me today. But, I placed my heart and faith in Jesus Christ and His word says that He has quickened me together with Him.” Then Jesus stands up and says, “It is true Father, he has placed his life in My hands.” The Judge (Father God) then opens the book of ordinances and the pages are sopping wet in His Son’s blood. The Father looks at me and the enemy and says “I don’t see any of these handwritten ordinances against him. All that I see are pages of my Son’s blood.”  The enemy huffs and leaves the room in frustration and I’m overwhelmed with joy realizing that my sins have been blotted out!
I write this to encourage any person today that feels down, discouraged, overwhelmed, or condemned by the enemy. If your life is in Jesus, realize your sins are forgiven, your past forgotten, and your best days are before you. You are ONE in Christ and He has blotted out your trespasses!

Tuesday, March 8

The Great Commission: Is it Optional?

Matthew 28:18-20, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: 
Today, the world is in much turmoil, uncertainty, and sin. Currently there are close to 7 billion people living upon the face of the earth. It has been reported that 1 billion of these people have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, there are five-thousand people groups or tribes that have yet to be evangelized with the message of the Gospel.  This reality must shake us and move us to action!

It is difficult for us in the U.S. to comprehend that there are people that have no clue about Jesus or who He is or what He has done to save them from sin. We live in a culture where we have the freedom to worship God, carry a Bible, and attend one of many churches in our community. This is not the case for the majority of the world.
The other reality is that there are many within our own neighborhoods, schools, and jobs that haven’t understood the reality of an eternal place called Hell.  Nor have they understood the reality of Jesus dying to save them from this place. This reality must shake us and move us to action!
I ask the question, is the Great Commission an option? My answer is absolutely not! Jesus commands us to go into the world and preach the Gospel. I believe that every born again believer in Jesus Christ has the responsibility to spread the message and live this commission to save the lost world.
Many Christians “feel” they weren’t called to the mission field so they have chosen to send money and support others to go and preach. But where in the Bible does it give us the option to go or not to go? Where in the Bible does it tell us that if we are uncomfortable spreading the Gospel or we don’t feel safe going to a foreign land that we can send money to someone else to do it for us?
I understand that there are individuals that have a distinct call from God to move to foreign lands to plant churches and spread the Gospel. But if we aren’t careful, we will stop short of the command by just sending money to our missionaries when we ourselves have been called to go as well. Please don’t misunderstand my heart. Yes, God places people in the Kingdom to support financially but we must not allow this to take the place of us “going” too. We all have responsibility to share the Good News.
Jesus has called us to “go”. For some, going is witnessing to our neighbors. For others, it’s reaching the homeless, widows, and orphans.  There are those that are called to go to cities, nations, schools, and specific targeted groups. We have all been called to go!
Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. shared his heart in the famous “I have a dream” speech; I too have a dream.
·    I have a dream that all Christian believers will forsake this world and passionately follow Christ.
·    I have a dream that all Christian believers will see the Great Commission as a personal mandate.
·    I have a dream that all Christian believers will see the value of the “Treasure” and will sell out to obtain it.
·    I have a dream that all Christian believers will awaken to the reality that lost people are going to Hell.
·    I have a dream that all Christian believers will preach the Gospel to the lost.
·    I have a dream that all Christian believers will realize that we have been blessed to be a blessing to the unfortunate.
·    I have a dream that all American Christian believers will forsake the “American Dream” and pursue “God’s Dream” of every person having eternal life.
Jesus was all about His mission. His mission was to seek and save the lost. It is time that we as Christian believers reprioritize some things in our lives. Many seek after careers, possessions, fame, comfort, and money. I don’t believe these things are necessarily wrong. But where is the priority of spreading the message of Jesus Christ? Imagine if every believer in the world would share the Gospel to the lost today.

Many people struggle to find God’s will for their life. I can tell you what His will is for you… Matthew 28:18-20 (The Great Commission).

Thursday, February 17

Turning Pain Into Gain

Pain comes in many forms and fashions. Physical pain, mental pain, spiritual pain, and emotional pain. The truth is that each person on earth is either dealing with pain, dealt with pain, or will deal with pain in the future. The list could be a mile long of the sources of pain. It could be divorce, abuse, loneliness, abandonment, losing a loved one, etc. How we deal with pain will determine where we end up in life.
I love the story of Joseph. Many people focus on the beginning of his life story or the end. The beginning is Joseph receiving a dream that he would one day be great and others would bow down before him. The end of his story is Joseph being in a place of great authority and saving the day. We must focus on the middle of the story. Joseph went through much pain!
First, his brothers hated him. They hated him so much that they cast him into a pit and then sold him into slavery. After Joseph ends up in a foreign land as a seventeen year old slave, he is then lied upon and placed into prison. Joseph spends the next thirteen or so years in a cold dark dungeon that he didn’t deserve. All that Joseph did was where the coat of favor from his father and share is God given dreams. I don’t know about you but I believe this would cause some serious pain.
Joseph pursued God through his pain and God was with him every step of the way. Joseph eventually came through his pain and said, “What you meant evil against me, God turned for my good.” (Genesis 50:20).
Here are a few points about dealing with pain:
1.      Your pain will either propel you to a platform to minister to others or it will paralyze you.
a.      God allows our pain so that we can be healed then minister to those in pain.
b.      The devil will try to wound you where God wants to use you.
c.      I know people who have been paralyzed by their pain. The still live out of a bad experience that happen twenty years ago.
d.      You and I can choose to be a victim or victor.

2.      Don’t Quit in the Pit
a.      God allows pits in our lives so that we can minister from a “deeper level”.
b.      If you quit in the pit, you never reach the palace!

3.      Be thankful for the process of pain
a.      The butterfly struggles in the cocoon. His struggle to get out is what gives him strength to fly. If you bail him out he never flies.
b.      The struggle builds his muscles to fly across a yard in seconds that would’ve taken him days to crawl.
c.      Don’t always curse your crises! It may be allowed by God to strengthen you to fly!

Thursday, February 3

Chosen for Impact - The Process for Power

1 Samuel 17:40, 40And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.
One of the most epic stories in the Bible is found in 1 Samuel 17 (David versus Goliath).  The outcome of this battle altered destiny, impacted Kingdoms, and birthed the beginning of a revolution (which would be manifested years later).
There is a key to this battle that we often overlook. It is the stone that David chose to sling at Goliath. The Bible records in 1 Samuel 17:40 that before David encountered the greatest giant in the world he went down to the brook to choose him a stone.
The stone in the story of David is so powerful. We can see the process that the stone journeyed through to receive momentum and force to bring down Goliath. This process is key to every believer’s life that desires to slay giants, build the Kingdom, and restore the Presence of God back to its rightful place.
Here is the Process:
1.   The Stone Is Found in the Brook. The brook represents the church. Notice that the King went to the brook to find his stone for impact. The brook is a place of preparation where the water (God’s Word) is smoothing out the rough edges. If the stone is rough or unbalanced it has the potential to miss its target (Goliath’s head).

2.   The Stone is Placed in the Shepherd’s Bag. Once you have been chosen by the King you will enter into a season of the “shepherd’s bag” which is a dark and isolated place. When you are in the bag, you will want to return to the brook! The isolation and darkness is part of the journey towards impact.

3.   The Stone Hears the Cry of the Enemy. If you thought the shepherd’s bag was tough, wait until you hear the enemy threaten your life while you’re in the dark place. The enemy’s threat is proof you are close to conquering him.

4.   The Stone is Shifted from the Shepherd’s Bag to the Sling. The sling is made up of a skinny piece of leather fastened to a stick. This is a season that seems to be utter chaos. You are barely hanging on and then your life starts spinning out of control.

5.   The Stone is Released for Impact. This is the moment that you focus in on your purpose. At this stage you realize that the chaos was intentional by the King. The spinning was actually giving you momentum and force to bring down your giant.
I encourage you to proceed through the process. Many people bail before they are released for impact. Remember that the process produces power! You may be spinning out of control but if you’re in the King’s hand you will make great impact.

Friday, January 28

The Value of the Treasure

In Matthew 13:44, Jesus tells a short parable of a man who stumbles across a treasure in a field. Once this man realized the value of what he has found, he goes home and sells everything he owns. I imagine him selling his books, goats, clothing, and his property. After selling everything this man goes and purchases this field and he now possesses a valuable treasure. There are some powerful points I want to bring out of this story.

First, this man is searching for something. Why is he out stumbling around in an abandoned field? Obviously, whoever owned this field did not tend to it because they didn’t even realize what they possessed.
My point: we will search this world out for fulfillment until we find the true treasure which is Jesus Christ.
Secondly, this man receives revelation of how valuable this treasure is. It is obvious because he goes and trades everything he owns to buy the field and ultimately the treasure.
My point: However you determine the value of the treasure (Jesus) will determine how much you will sale-out for Him!
Thirdly, this man surely had many critics. Imagine him coming home and having a huge yard sale. He is selling everything, even the pet dog! I would guess that his family, friends, and neighbors thought he had lost his mind. When he explained which field he was going to buy, they probably laughed in his face.
My point: When you sale-out to Jesus you will have critics. But you won’t mind the field as long as you get the Treasure!
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is the greatest honor and privilege on this earth. The treasure is worth selling out for and the taking on whatever field is worth it.  Let this world take your possession but don’t let them take your treasure!

Monday, January 24

Will the Real Church Please Stand Up

I believe with all of my heart that we are living in the perilous times that Paul wrote about to his spiritual son, Timothy. We are living in a day of continuous fear of terror attacks, sexual perversion, disrespect towards authority, and haters of them that attempt to live righteous lives. The end time prophesies are literally being played out right before our eyes. With all of the signs and events unfolding today, I believe that it is time for the real church to stand up!
I personally had the great privilege to be raised in a Christian home and attending church was a regular routine in my life. When I was a young teenager and surrendered my life to Christ’s calling, I determined that I did not want to live my life at a lower level than what Jesus offered me. I have seen many believers live and struggle in areas where Jesus had promised and offered them victory. Also, I have seen church after church and ministry after ministry operate in perpetual weakness and forfeit the power that was promised to them. We as believers must wake up, recognize the hour in which we are living, see the needs of lost humanity, and operate in the true power of God.
I believe it is time for believers to re-define normal Christian living. Most would agree that normal Christian living would be defined as a peaceful and loving lifestyle. I believe we would say that you need to be a good citizen, be a faithful employee, pay your taxes, read your Bible, and attend church. I agree that all of these items are a must. We have to walk on land before we can walk on water. But, I don’t believe that this is actual “normal” Christian living. We must compare our normal to the word of God’s normal. When I read the history of the early disciples, I observe that their normal was different than our normal. Jesus said that signs and wonders would follow them that believe. These signs included casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, and demonstrating the power of Jesus in the streets. The early disciples went house to house and city to city turning the world upside down with the power of the gospel message.
Unfortunately, when I observe the most churches in America, I mostly see a powerless church preaching a powerless gospel. It is time for the real church to please stand up! It is time for believers to forsake the world, run after Jesus, and begin to operate in the true power that has been promised us. The power of the Holy Ghost is not only to feel Him in a church service but to allow Him to flow through us to impact a lost and hurting world. Most churches and believers put on their Christian face on Sundays. They pick up their dusty Bible that they haven’t read all week and take it to church. They put on their praise for a few minutes and glance at their watch several times during service. Many believers just merely attend church out of routine and to ease their guilty conscience. It is time for us to shift from attending church and become the church. True Christian living takes place between Sundays!
Let us get busy about our Father’s business. Let’s take the Great Commission personally (as it was intended) and turn this world upside down. Are you ready for the Real Church to Stand Up?

What Parents Need to Hear from the Youth Pastor

I sit here on a cold day in January with my heart burdened to save a generation from spiritual, emotional, and eternal destruction. As I sit here I am reminded that there are millions of teens in the borders of the United States and most of them are lost without Jesus Christ.  Some statistics declares that only 4% of these millions of teens are truly devoted to a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. If this statistic is true, we are in spiritual crises. After eight years of full time youth ministry and seeing the spiritual state of teens across our land, I believe there are some things that parents need to hear from the Youth Pastor.

First, I believe parents need to hear that it is ultimately there responsibility for their student’s spiritual state. The Bible declares in Proverbs 22:6 that we must train up children in the ways they should go and when they grow older that it won’t depart from them. In other words, parents must take to this scripture and focus on training their children in the ways of God and not neglect this responsibility. I have had many experiences over the years where parents will bring me their teen and ask me to perform a miracle in the student’s life. Many years of family dysfunction, no Christian values, and a lifestyle of sin has been deposited into this student for years and parents desire an overnight turn around. Now, I believe that when you receive Christ all things become new and salvation brings forth a radical change.

I feel that Christian parents must count the cost before even having a child and must realize that they will be the ultimate spiritual advisor in the child’s life. I believe we can see a great example from the life of Hannah in 1 Samuel. Hannah prays for a child and when she receives Samuel her son, she then positions him in the house of the Lord to be raised up for the Lord’s work. Positioning our children from spiritual growth is such a key to their spiritual success. Students will not draw close to God on Wednesday evenings in front of the television when they could be positioned in a Wednesday night youth Bible study. Parents must take action and make sure their student is in the place to receive from God. Parents today must realize the responsibility that they have to teach the ways of God to their kids.

Secondly, parents need to guard the hearts of their student. The Bible declares in Proverbs 4:23 that we must guard our hearts with all diligence. The spiritual heart is the most vital asset that we and our children have. We will buy security alarms for our homes. We even by security alarms for our student’s cars and we buy locks for their lockers at school. How often do we make sure that our children’s hearts are protected? If not careful, we will allow secular, worldly, and devilish entertainment to flood our kid’s hearts through movies, music, and the internet. Most of the time, parents are the ones flipping the bill for this to take place. Parents wake up! Check your child’s Facebook page, check their music, be careful of media saturation, and check what is influencing their lives. Parents are responsible to guard the heart of the child while under your authority. We cannot behave like Priest Eli (1 Samuel) who knew that his sons were involved in worldly stuff and turned his head pretending he didn’t know what was going on.

Lastly, parents need to exemplify spiritual behaviors before their child. I believe that one of the keys to revival in this last generation is parents becoming spiritual before their children. It is time that teens see their parents reading and studying their Bibles, praying at home, fasting, and being involved in ministry. Parents need to set up spiritual times at home with the family and connect with God.

Parents, hear this Youth Pastor. We can spare a generation, keep our Godly heritage, and impact this world if we will step up and take responsibility. It is not my intention to speak down or negative but to stir your hearts to take your family back to God. Let’s be like Joshua and declare in 2011 that as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I believe with God’s help and guidance, parents can radically change the course of their child’s mindset towards God.  I pray that God inspires you with these words and that your family will elevate to another level of spiritual living!