Thursday, February 3

Chosen for Impact - The Process for Power

1 Samuel 17:40, 40And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.
One of the most epic stories in the Bible is found in 1 Samuel 17 (David versus Goliath).  The outcome of this battle altered destiny, impacted Kingdoms, and birthed the beginning of a revolution (which would be manifested years later).
There is a key to this battle that we often overlook. It is the stone that David chose to sling at Goliath. The Bible records in 1 Samuel 17:40 that before David encountered the greatest giant in the world he went down to the brook to choose him a stone.
The stone in the story of David is so powerful. We can see the process that the stone journeyed through to receive momentum and force to bring down Goliath. This process is key to every believer’s life that desires to slay giants, build the Kingdom, and restore the Presence of God back to its rightful place.
Here is the Process:
1.   The Stone Is Found in the Brook. The brook represents the church. Notice that the King went to the brook to find his stone for impact. The brook is a place of preparation where the water (God’s Word) is smoothing out the rough edges. If the stone is rough or unbalanced it has the potential to miss its target (Goliath’s head).

2.   The Stone is Placed in the Shepherd’s Bag. Once you have been chosen by the King you will enter into a season of the “shepherd’s bag” which is a dark and isolated place. When you are in the bag, you will want to return to the brook! The isolation and darkness is part of the journey towards impact.

3.   The Stone Hears the Cry of the Enemy. If you thought the shepherd’s bag was tough, wait until you hear the enemy threaten your life while you’re in the dark place. The enemy’s threat is proof you are close to conquering him.

4.   The Stone is Shifted from the Shepherd’s Bag to the Sling. The sling is made up of a skinny piece of leather fastened to a stick. This is a season that seems to be utter chaos. You are barely hanging on and then your life starts spinning out of control.

5.   The Stone is Released for Impact. This is the moment that you focus in on your purpose. At this stage you realize that the chaos was intentional by the King. The spinning was actually giving you momentum and force to bring down your giant.
I encourage you to proceed through the process. Many people bail before they are released for impact. Remember that the process produces power! You may be spinning out of control but if you’re in the King’s hand you will make great impact.

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