Friday, January 28

The Value of the Treasure

In Matthew 13:44, Jesus tells a short parable of a man who stumbles across a treasure in a field. Once this man realized the value of what he has found, he goes home and sells everything he owns. I imagine him selling his books, goats, clothing, and his property. After selling everything this man goes and purchases this field and he now possesses a valuable treasure. There are some powerful points I want to bring out of this story.

First, this man is searching for something. Why is he out stumbling around in an abandoned field? Obviously, whoever owned this field did not tend to it because they didn’t even realize what they possessed.
My point: we will search this world out for fulfillment until we find the true treasure which is Jesus Christ.
Secondly, this man receives revelation of how valuable this treasure is. It is obvious because he goes and trades everything he owns to buy the field and ultimately the treasure.
My point: However you determine the value of the treasure (Jesus) will determine how much you will sale-out for Him!
Thirdly, this man surely had many critics. Imagine him coming home and having a huge yard sale. He is selling everything, even the pet dog! I would guess that his family, friends, and neighbors thought he had lost his mind. When he explained which field he was going to buy, they probably laughed in his face.
My point: When you sale-out to Jesus you will have critics. But you won’t mind the field as long as you get the Treasure!
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is the greatest honor and privilege on this earth. The treasure is worth selling out for and the taking on whatever field is worth it.  Let this world take your possession but don’t let them take your treasure!

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