Friday, November 11

The Holy Spirit Series Part 1 - The Person

The Holy Spirit Series
We just launched a brand new series in our Teen Life Group about the Holy Spirit. Here are some truths that we are sharing:

Scripture: Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
THESIS STATEMENT: The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, has Transforming Power, and has a Great Purpose for every disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • He has been present from the beginning until now
    • Genesis 1:26 - Let US make man in OUR image
    • Matthew 3:16 -He appears like a dove at Jesus' Baptism
    • Acts 2 - He shows up in a mighty rushing wind and fills 120 in the Upper Room

  • He is a Divine Person of the Godhead
    • Without going into deep theological debate, He is God!
    • Although referred to as the Holy Ghost; He is not spooky image or thought
    • He is not an "It". For He is a "He"
    • He can be grieved, quenched, and then compelled and felt

  • He has come to Empower Disciples of Christ
    • Acts 1:8- Jesus words, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..."
    • His power is transforming and life changing to those that recieve His baptism
    • His power is "Dunamis" which means=
      • supernatural power of spirit, wisdom, revelation, etc.
    • His power is an Enhancement to a believer's spirit man
Closing Thoughts:
The Holy Spirit is powerful. When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, He spoke of One coming that would empower believers. I imagine on His way up to Heaven, Jesus gave the Holy Spirit a high-five and tagged Him into the next season of believer's lives. He has come and longs to fill and reside within every believer of Jesus Christ. Recognize that He (Holy Spirit) is with you today leading, guiding, comforting, and empowering.

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