Thursday, July 21


The Process to the Palace
I love the story of King David and especially the details of his call to be king. David was a young man who didn’t recognize the king that was inside of him. But yet God knew the whole time. God spoke to the Prophet Samuel and said, “Anoint him that I’ve named.” In other words, God knew David would be a king one day even when David was oblivious to the idea or the mere thought of it. I want you to realize today that you are a Prince/Princess of God! There is greatness, purpose, and destiny written all over your life .God knows you by name and is calling you to the Palace called Purpose!
Imagine David doing the “norm” on the day he was called to be king. He is out in the field shepherding his flock of sheep when he hears a call to the house. He runs to the from porch, walks through the front door, and the great Prophet Samuel pours the horn of oil over his head and declares him to be King. First, I imagine David being completely shocked at what he just experienced. Secondly, I imagine him thinking; how will I ever get from this field to the palace? And then the process began. See David didn’t immediately move to the palace. It was process that propelled him to the throne.
Process is defined as a series of events that bring forth your greatest potential. I want to say that God has a throne called destiny and a palace called purpose waiting for you. But it will take PROCESS to get you there! It will take a series of events to push you to that place called Destiny.
Here are a few steps in the process that pushed David to the Palace:
1.       The Revelation of Royal Status – God revealed to David his true identity. He was a king and destined for greatness. God had to reveal that beyond the “normalcy” was a king kicking and trembling to get out.
2.       The Breaking of a Pauper Mindset – A pauper is defined as a poor person (not just financially but socially and mentally). David had to believe who he really was. The thought of a pauper becoming a king can literally cause the earth to tremble (Proverbs 30:21-22).
3.       The Positioning to Be Pushed to the Palace – David positioned himself in the right places so that God could push him to the palace. He positioned himself as a worshipper, servant (taking cheese to his brothers) good stewardship over his flock, and responding to the call to the house. All of this was David positioning himself so that God could push him to the palace.
I want to encourage you that God has a place called purpose and a throne called destiny for you. But it will take process to get there. I encourage you to stay in process and allow God to push you to that place. Recognize your royal status, break the pauper mentality, and position yourself so that God can push you!

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