Thursday, July 21


Realizing Who You Truly Are
Did you know that you are Royalty? Did you know that you literally have “royal” blood flowing through your veins? You are a royal person today not because of your works or because of your deeds. You are a royal person because your Father is royalty! Your father in heaven is the ultimate King of the Universe and you are His son/daughter. Therefore you are born into this world as a royal subject with purpose and destined for greatness!
There are many people today that struggle with identity. They struggle because there earthly father/mother may have abandoned them or abused them. Many people live in depression and at a lower level of living because of the decisions and lifestyle of their earthly parents. Many still blame their parents for where they are today. I want to say something so powerful that it can set your mind free; YOU CAME THROUGH YOUR PARENTS NOT FROM THEM!
You actually came from God! He birthed you into this world and you belong to Him. Your parents were just the door to get you into the earth to fulfill the incredible mission and purpose He has for you. Therefore, you are a genuine royal person because your Daddy in Heaven is the King! Look what the Bible says about your royal status:
·         1 Peter 2:9 –“…you are a Royal Priesthood…”
·         Romans 8:17- “…you are joint-heirs with Christ…”
·         Romans 5:17 – “…you shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ.”
These are just a few scriptures of many that reveal your royal status and God’s Word is ultimate truth.
So here are my final thoughts:
·         When you realize WHO and WHOSE you are, everything changes!
·         Once you realize who you are, life can be lived at a greater level!
·         Struggle no more with identity but recognize the Father’s fingerprints all over your life!
·         Royal people have a greater standard by which they live their lives; go up a level!
·         You truly are Royalty; not because I have said so but because you belong to the King!

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