Wednesday, March 13

Seeds - Part 1

A seed can be a powerful life giving source. I remember being in elementary school and planting seeds along our school's entry way. The objective of the project was for us to come back years later and see the results. I was amazed when I drove by my school some twenty years later and saw trees that were large, healthy, and bearing fruit! It all started with a tiny seed in my hand as third grader and now it's something full of life and growing.
The Bible speaks of seeds in many ways and in many illustrations. God's Word is illustrated as seed being sown into people's hearts! Our words, actions, thoughts, and interaction with others can be seed that is sown. These things will either bear good or bad fruit in our lives. The Bible shares that we will REAP what we SOW (Galatians 6:7-8). You sow apple seeds you will get apple trees. You sow actions and words of life you will receive life. You act contrary to the standards of God and you will reap those things contrary to God's heart.
Seeds are powerful!
In Part 1 of writing about Seeds I want to give you a few statements to dwell upon:
1. Seed carries CREATIVE & GENERATIVE power
2. Seed carries the POSSIBILITY FACTOR
3. Seed carries the BLUE PRINT of the future that longs to happen
4. Seed has the potential to create your FUTURE
As you relate SEED to your WORDS & ACTIONS, ask yourself what kind of seed are you sowing? For whatever you sow you will reap!

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