Monday, February 27



After Peter goes back to the boat and he has caught nothing all night. He looks up and sees a familiar face on the sea shore. Could it be Jesus coming to rescue Peter from the boat? Will Jesus forgive Peter and continue the work within him that He began three years prior?

Let’s look at part two of the story (John 21)…

1.       Jesus Comes to Peter Where He is “Boating”
·         He knew exactly where to find Peter. He knows where to find us!
·         He may be standing on the shore of your situation calling you out once again

2.       Jesus Speaks a Familiar Word to Peter
·         Remember Peter hasn’t caught any fish all night
·         He hears this man (Jesus) from the shore cry out, “cast your net on the other side”
·         This is exactly what happened for Peter before when Jesus said these same words (Luke 5:1-11)
o Both times they cast nets on the other side and caught crazy amounts of fish
·         See, God will speak sometimes a familiar word to remind you of who you are and what you are called to be
·         This familiar word helped Peter abandon the boat again
3.       Peter Plunges Into the Water
·         After recognizing it was Jesus, Peter dives head first into the water while everyone else casually rolled their boats
·         Taking a plunge for Christ will require full commitment

4.       Jesus Provides Two Elements on the Shore
·         Jesus provides the fire and the bread
·         He told the disciples to go catch the fish and bring them in
o Today the fire (Holy Ghost) and bread (Bible) is provided for us. We must go catch the fish (people)

5.       Peter’s Last Night in the Boat
·         After their dinner with Jesus on the shore, Jesus takes people for a walk along the sand
·         It’s not recorded what Jesus said to Peter along that walk. But you see that IT WAS HIS LAST NIGHT IN THE BOAT!
We never read of Peter going back to the boat after this encounter. But, we do see becoming a World Changer for Christ.
I encourage anyone reading this…declare it’s your last night in the boat that tries to keep you from fulfilling God’s assignment for your life!

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