Tuesday, September 18

Destiny Pointe Church - Update 1

Jennifer and I write to you today and we are ecstatic about Destiny Pointe Church that is launching soon in Columbia, Missouri! We have a mandate from God, a vision that is beyond our imagination, and are committed to reach generations in Columbia and around the world for Jesus Christ.
We can't even put into words the things that God has showed us, confirmed to us, and has birthed in our hearts for DPC and the people that will be forever impacted in central Missouri and the globe!
Why a Church Plant? The population in the United States and around the world continues to grow yet we read that churches (especially in U.S) are in decline and many are closing their doors. However, statistics in America show 80% of people dedicating their lives to Jesus today are doing so in brand new church plants. These statistics have fueled the burning desire in our  hearts over the years to plant a church in Columbia and churches around the world.
Destiny Pointe Church is planning to be launched in the fall of 2013 on the north side of Columbia, Missouri. We will begin to strategize and develop our core and launch teams at the first of 2013 and throughout the year.  As we grow our core and launch teams we will continue to cast vision for our official launch which will consist of weekly gatherings and the development of various ministries. 
Details & Media Tools are in development right now.
Here are a few highlights of our vision:
PURPOSE: "Destiny Pointe Church exists to AWAKEN, EQUIP, and CONNECT people to God's purpose."
Destiny Pointe Church will be a local church with a global vision.  Our desire is to impact our community, city, and world with the love of Christ. We have a vision to turn the culture of our city towards God and this will happen through various outreach ministries, creative children’s and teen ministries, a focus to build strong families, and operating in the power God has given His church.

  • AWAKEN: outreach ministries geared to reach the lost & a focus of each individual believer becoming “Co-missional”
  • EQUIP: weekly church gatherings, discipleship groups & a focus on believers “Growing”
  • CONNECT: worship experiences, service to others, & fellowship opportunities with church family and a focus on "Relationships"
The church we see is relevant and full of Christ's passion. A church so great in love that the city and nation takes notice. A church of generations reaching generations.
The church we see has such passionate praise and worship that it connects them to the throne room of God. A church that pursues after God no matter the cost or sacrifice.
The church we see will have altars constantly filled with people seeking God's purposes and seeing lives healed, restored, and awakened.
The church we see goes beyond the walls and displays love and grace to those living in our community, city, and throughout the world.
The church we see is an equipping church. Equipping new believers with God's Word to live victorious lives; equipping leaders to impact generations; equipping believers to reach the unsaved.
The church we see is a connecting church. Connecting to God through worship, connecting to others through serving, and connecting to others through friendships.
The church we see is all about Jesus, His Word, His Mission, and His Love!
The chuch we see could definitely be Destiny Pointe Church!


Pastor Josh & Jennifer
DPC Lead Pastors

Monday, February 27



After Peter goes back to the boat and he has caught nothing all night. He looks up and sees a familiar face on the sea shore. Could it be Jesus coming to rescue Peter from the boat? Will Jesus forgive Peter and continue the work within him that He began three years prior?

Let’s look at part two of the story (John 21)…

1.       Jesus Comes to Peter Where He is “Boating”
·         He knew exactly where to find Peter. He knows where to find us!
·         He may be standing on the shore of your situation calling you out once again

2.       Jesus Speaks a Familiar Word to Peter
·         Remember Peter hasn’t caught any fish all night
·         He hears this man (Jesus) from the shore cry out, “cast your net on the other side”
·         This is exactly what happened for Peter before when Jesus said these same words (Luke 5:1-11)
o Both times they cast nets on the other side and caught crazy amounts of fish
·         See, God will speak sometimes a familiar word to remind you of who you are and what you are called to be
·         This familiar word helped Peter abandon the boat again
3.       Peter Plunges Into the Water
·         After recognizing it was Jesus, Peter dives head first into the water while everyone else casually rolled their boats
·         Taking a plunge for Christ will require full commitment

4.       Jesus Provides Two Elements on the Shore
·         Jesus provides the fire and the bread
·         He told the disciples to go catch the fish and bring them in
o Today the fire (Holy Ghost) and bread (Bible) is provided for us. We must go catch the fish (people)

5.       Peter’s Last Night in the Boat
·         After their dinner with Jesus on the shore, Jesus takes people for a walk along the sand
·         It’s not recorded what Jesus said to Peter along that walk. But you see that IT WAS HIS LAST NIGHT IN THE BOAT!
We never read of Peter going back to the boat after this encounter. But, we do see becoming a World Changer for Christ.
I encourage anyone reading this…declare it’s your last night in the boat that tries to keep you from fulfilling God’s assignment for your life!


In John 21, you can read about Peter’s encounter with Jesus along the shore. This encounter with Jesus was life changing for Peter and shifted him into a life of truly being sold out for Christ. See just days before this destiny altering encounter, Peter had denied Jesus three times. Peter insisted he wouldn’t ever do that. When it came time for Jesus’ scourging and sentencing to the cross, Peter denied just like Jesus said he would.
This betrayal, denial, and turning his back on Jesus sent Peter into a time of mourning and self condemnation. Imagine the guild and shame he must have felt. After Jesus dies and resurrects from the dead, He appears to His disciples on several occasions. Can you imagine, what Peter is thinking every time the resurrected Jesus shows up and shares Kingdom revelation to them? He’s got to be thinking that Jesus is upset with him. Or that Jesus has lost confidence in him. Or that Jesus will never trust him again. We never read that Jesus ever shares anything to Peter about the three time denial. I’m guessing Peter is feeling at an all-time low during this time in his life. Jesus hasn’t even mentioned it and He knows what Peter did!
Peter feeling absolutley horrible goes back to the boat and starts fishing again. See, Jesus called him out of the boat three years prior and declared to Peter that he would be a fisher of men from that point forward. After realizing that he messed up that calling, Peter goes BACK to the boat.
Here’s my point: we can’t go back to the boat that Jesus has called us out of!
The boat = past hurt, sinful living, bondages, worldly mindsets, depression, stagnant Christianity, etc.
We must declare that this is our last night in the boat!
Here’s what happened to Peter when he went back to the boat. The same can happen to us as Christ followers when we go back to the places Jesus called us out…
1.       The Boat is a Place of False Security
·         No worries, no pressure but no purpose and no progress
2.        The Boat Caused Him to Lose Sight of His Dreams
·         Peter once saw himself being everything God told him he’d be, now he’s retracted back to an old situation and can’t see past the fishing pole
3.       The  Boat Now Limited Him to What He Once Conquered
·         Peter once walked on water (conquered it). Now he needs a boat to sustain him on the water he once walked on
·         He appears to be sustained but he was really sinking in his heart
4.       In the Boat He Casts His Net with No Results
·         In John 21, Peter catches nothing all night (verse 3)
Going back to old things causing emptiness and a drought


I'm overwhelmed today with the goodness of my Jesus. He's been so good to me that words don't even do any justice trying to describe how he's blessed me over the years. I will be celebrating ten years of marriage in June. My little girl (Rieley) is six years old and doing awesome in Kindergarten. My son (Seth) will be turning one years old this week. I am so grateful for my kids and wife. I pray that my children will grow up and be "History Makers" for the Kingdom of God!