Monday, November 21

RAMP TRIP 2011 -Fan the Flame

Fan the Flame

I sit here on a Monday morning just arriving home from The Ramp Gathering last evening. As I sit here today, I’m overwhelmed with the Presence of God that I experienced over the weekend. We had the great privilege of being part of The Ramp Ascend which was 30 hours of continuous worship to Jesus. Roughly 700 students and adults began at 6pm on Friday and worshipped until 12 am Sunday. Throughout these 30 hours of worship we experienced intense times of praise and dance before God to quiet peaceful moments of intimate worship with Him. I have come home from The Ramp refreshed. It’s amazing how you can spend all of your heart and focus on exalting Jesus and yet He still comes back to give you a touch in your own heart.
While we were at The Ramp, I saw many of our students experience God in a mighty way. We had students that are on fire for Jesus continue to pursue Him. We also brought students that have been cold and distant from God. I watched many of these students experience the love of God and watched many tears stream down faces of cold hearts that were being fired up once again. Watching this has inspired me to write this blog this morning. Here is a few ways to fan the fire in your hearts and stay passionate for Jesus.
     1.       We Must Stay in the Word of God
The word of God is life. It’s our food for the Spirit-Man. If we don’t eat of the Word of God we will starve and die. I encourage you to at least read a couple of scriptures a day and meditate upon them throughout the day and evening. Leaders are readers!
2.       We Must Spend Time with Jesus

We have to set out time every day to spend with God. Sometimes it will be a time to praise Him, other times quiet worship, or maybe just sitting and listening for His heartbeat. Spending time with God will keep the fire burning in our hearts. I enjoy putting on my headphones and listening to worship while I just talk with God. Find you a secret place and create a history with Jesus.

3.       We Must Get Involved

We must stay active in the work and ministry of Jesus Christ. We must be faithful to His Church, get involved in the praise and worship, and be ready to receive His word through teaching and preaching. We must come to His House prepared and ready to seek His face. Sitting back and being a casual worshipper will cause the fire to be quenched. Move to the front, enter in, and run after God with all of your heart and you will find Him.

4.       We Must Rise Above the Mockers

There will always be those around you that don’t have passion for Jesus. There are students that attend churches only because their parents make them. If not careful, we can allow their negative influence effect our worship, attitude, and walk with God. We must rise above the mockers and stand for Christ. You will either cluck with chickens or soar with eagles. It’s important that you surround yourself with “eagles”. People that are hungry for God and want to live out the purpose He has for them.

5.       We Must Share Our Stories with Others

First, there are students in our youth groups that are looking for youth leadership. It’s one level to have a Youth Pastor and Youth Team leading but it’s another level when students become leaders. In other words, students that are on fire for God that will lead by example and begin to reach and pour into others. Secondly, our schools are full of students lost without Christ. It’s time for those that have the fire of God to set a blaze in the hearts of the lost.
Don’t let the fire dwindle down or burn out. Fan the fire each and every day that it may be a light to those in darkness and that it will quench the chaff of our hearts. I pray that your fire will burn out of control and that it will spread to others.
THE RAMP 11-18-11

Friday, November 11

The Holy Spirit Series Part 1 - The Person

The Holy Spirit Series
We just launched a brand new series in our Teen Life Group about the Holy Spirit. Here are some truths that we are sharing:

Scripture: Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
THESIS STATEMENT: The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, has Transforming Power, and has a Great Purpose for every disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • He has been present from the beginning until now
    • Genesis 1:26 - Let US make man in OUR image
    • Matthew 3:16 -He appears like a dove at Jesus' Baptism
    • Acts 2 - He shows up in a mighty rushing wind and fills 120 in the Upper Room

  • He is a Divine Person of the Godhead
    • Without going into deep theological debate, He is God!
    • Although referred to as the Holy Ghost; He is not spooky image or thought
    • He is not an "It". For He is a "He"
    • He can be grieved, quenched, and then compelled and felt

  • He has come to Empower Disciples of Christ
    • Acts 1:8- Jesus words, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..."
    • His power is transforming and life changing to those that recieve His baptism
    • His power is "Dunamis" which means=
      • supernatural power of spirit, wisdom, revelation, etc.
    • His power is an Enhancement to a believer's spirit man
Closing Thoughts:
The Holy Spirit is powerful. When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, He spoke of One coming that would empower believers. I imagine on His way up to Heaven, Jesus gave the Holy Spirit a high-five and tagged Him into the next season of believer's lives. He has come and longs to fill and reside within every believer of Jesus Christ. Recognize that He (Holy Spirit) is with you today leading, guiding, comforting, and empowering.