Friday, August 12



Key People that Push
You to Your Destiny
As I mentioned in the previous blog (The Process to the Palace) there is a process that must take place to push you to your “throne” called Destiny. Your Royal Status must be revealed to you, you must break the Pauper Mindset, and you must Position yourself so that God can push you forward. We took these three principles from the life of David to show how God propelled him to his throne of purpose. These three things must take place in your life to fulfill your calling and purpose God has for you.
There are key people that will come into your life that will help push you to your purpose and destiny as well. King David had several people in his life that imparted, challenged, and help develop the “king” inside of him. Not every person was David’s fan or friend but yet God used them to help shape him into a man after His own heart.
Here are the four key people in David’s life that push him towards the palace:
1.      Samuel – Samuel was the Prophet that pointed out David’s kingly identity. Every individual needs a Samuel in their life. Samuels are role models, heroes of the faith, and mighty men/women of God that have stood through the test of time. We must recognize the Samuel in our life and stay close to them and heed to their wisdom.

2.      Saul – Saul was David’s critic. Saul was very rough and tough on David. Although David didn’t like him (I imagine it to be hard to like someone who throws spears at you), he caused David to behave himself wisely (1 Samuel 18:14). Don’t hate your critics but allow them to make you better. Your hater may be your escalator.

3.      Jonathan – Jonathan was David’s covenant brother and I believe his greatest mentor. Jonathan recognized the “king” inside of David. I imagine Jonathan showing David how to act, speak, and dress inside of the palace walls and taught him royal protocol. Your Jonathan is somebody that is a Father, Mentor, or Coach that stands in the place that you are called to be one day. Allow them to show you how to live in royal ways.

4.      Goliath – Goliath was the enemy of David’s generation. Everyone was terrified of this warrior. David met him head-on and took him down. You and I will always have a “Goliath” that stands between our dream and destiny. Don’t run from him but face him. Your giant is actually a sign that God is about to promote you. When David killed the giant he stood upon him (1 Samuel 17:51) and took his head. God is actually setting your giant up to become your platform. When David killed the giant everything changed. Promotion and favor came to him.
I encourage you to recognize the key people in your life that will push you to your destiny. Walk humbly, gentle, and keep your eyes upon Jesus. One day you will sit on a throne called Destiny in a palace called Purpose!